Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

2014 election Supporters Gathered Around Jokowi It KPU Since Morning

Tribunnews.com , Jakarta - The draw serial number of pairs of candidates for president and vice president of the newly held on Sunday ( 01/06/2014 ) at 14:00 pm . However , since the morning , hundreds of supporters of presidential candidate Joko Widodo had gathered around the building of the General Election Commission ( KPU ) , Jalan Imam Bonjol , Central Jakarta .

Observation Kompas.com , mass arrived at Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto , about 30 meters from the Commission building at around 08.30 pm . Massa comes with using six buses parked on the shoulder of Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto . Massa looks wearing a cap that read "Warriors Jokowi " .

At 09.00 am , the crowd moved to Jalan Imam Bonjol after Menteng intersection of Hotel Indonesia roundabout direction . Massa meets the road , so the traffic police to divert traffic towards Jalan Imam Bonjol vehicle into the direction of Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto .

In addition to the masses who are getting in the way around the building Commission , seemed too motor vehicle convoy . Riders wear pictorial Jokowi carry the flag of the Indonesian Democratic Party ( PDI ) Struggle . The motorcade came from the direction of Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto , Menteng Park . At this intersection , turning back toward the mass of the vehicle speed .


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